Boss Rush Jam 2024

This month-long jam was to make a boss rush game around the theme "Exchange". Probably my favorite genre. There's a lot I got to do for this jam - environment generation, the spellcasting system, character animation systems, camera system, and so much more.

Game Off Game Jam 2020

Hosted by Github, this month-long game jam is a project completed with Olivia Maciejewska. With the theme of "Moonshot", we decided to make a resource management survival game where the player must micro manage his ship in order to make it to a distant moon.

Big Brain Game Jam 2.0

A short 3 day jam with the goal to complete a game in the given time! The player must avoid the spinning pole, which will push you into lava if you do not jump or counter! This minigame earned 2nd place, with the highest ranking in visuals and theme.

Great Harvest Game Jam

A month long game jam, and my submission to the GD50 final project. This prototype is a playground for testing 2D mechanics from a bar hub to instantiated mission with various mechanics. The color scheme of the game follows the pear-36 spectrum!

Extra Credits Game Jam #6

A 48 hour Game Jam completed by Olivia Maciejewska and I. This game was made using Core, a game engine based on Epic Games's Unreal Engine. This multiplayer search-and-rescue FPS is based on the Spanish Flu and set on WWI.

My First Game Jam: Summer 2020

My first game jam which lasted 2 weeks. Olivia Maciejewska and I made a cute infinite runner to match the theme of "change". The goal is to avoid toys while escaping the clutches of your mother. Don't let your diaper get changed!